Pictures of female pilots undergoing training flights at Avenger Field in 1943 - OLD US


Here are some vintage photos show the female pilots in flight training at Avenger Field, a Texas airport in 1943.

Rebecca Edwards, 22, w. cream on her sunburned face & Lorena Daly, both pilot trainees in the Women's Flying Training Detachment, sporting goggled leather helmets & G.I. coveralls as they lean against primary hangar fr. which they fly, at Avenger Field.


Jean Pearson, pilot trainee in Women's Flying Training Detachment to later join the all-civilian Women's Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron, using a beret & a ribbon-tied hair knot to keep hair fr. flying, in cockpit of trainer before takeoff at Avenger Field.


Flying instructor Helen Duffy (R) going over cockpit procedure w. one of her advance pilot trainees in the Women's Flying Training Detachment, as she trains them to qualify for the all-civilian Women's Auxilary Ferrying Squadron, at Avenger Field.


Two pilot trainees in the Women's Flying Training Detachment, climbing aboard basic trainer plane as short-legged one w. parachute places cushions in rear seat before starting instrument flight which is done in pairs, at Avenger Field.


Two pilot trainees in the Women's Flying Training Detachment, policing area around barracks by picking up cigarette butts strewn around as part of their duties as "Ready Room Lieutenants," at Avenger Field.


Jean Landis, a member of the Women's Flying Training Detachment, reading while using her parachute for a pillow as she relaxes between instrument training flights at Avenger Field.


Shirley Slade, pilot trainee in Women's Flying Training Detachment, sporting an official dress uniform of white blouse, tan slacks and overseas cap, during training at Avenger Field.


Elaine Jones, pilot trainee in the Women's Flying Training Detachment, sleeping on hard bench after flying until 3 a.m. the previous night, at Avenger Field.


Nancy Nesbit, pilot trainee in Women's Flying Training Detachment, to enter the all-civilian Women's Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron, using earphones & mike as she checks w. control tower fr. the cockpit of her single engine Army trainer at Avenger Field.


Madge Rutherford, pilot trainee in the Women's Flying Training Detachment, writing letter home w. a finished Coca Cola by her side as she leans against barrack while waiting for her flight period on basic line, at Avenger Field.


Shirley Slade, pilot trainee in Women's Fllying Training Detachment, sporting pigtails & GI coveralls as she sits on wing of her Army trainer at Avenger Field.


Anne Armstrong McClellan, pilot trainee in Women's Flying Training Detachment, sporting an official dress uniform of white blouse, tan slacks and overseas cap & a Fifinella mascot pin designed for the girl pilots by Walt Disney, at at Avenger Field.


Forence Knight, pilot trainee in Women's Flying Training Detachment, to qualify for joining the all-civilian Women's Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron, using a hairnet to keep hair fr. flying, in cockpit of trainer before takeoff at Avenger Field.


Phyliss Jarman, pilot trainee in the Women's Flying Training Detachment, wearing her favorite white baseball cap, writing up a report in workbook during training to fly for the Women's Auxilary Ferrying Squadron, at Avenger Field.


Janet Zuchowski (C) & Alice Jean May, (R) pilot trainees in Women's Fllying Training Detachment, on floor ploting cross-country flight on a map w. Norman Schaeffer (L) who helps them as one of the civilian flight instructors, at Avenger Field.