Found Photos Show Fashion Styles of ’80s Young Women _ Vintage USA

Fashion of the 1980s placed heavy emphasis on cheap clothes and fashion accessories and very big poofy hair. Apparel tended to be very bright and vivid in appearance. Punk fashion began as a reaction against both the hippie movement of the past decades and the materialist values of the current decade.

The first half of the decade was relatively tame in comparison to the second half, which is when the iconic 1980s color scheme had come into popularity.
Women in the 1980s wore bright, heavy makeup. Everyday fashion in the 1980s consisted of light-colored lips, dark and thick eyelashes, and pink or red rouge (otherwise known as blush).
These vintage photos were found by Steven Martin that show what fashion styles of young women looked like in the 1980s.
Her fashion style is incredibly lovely


She looks exceptionally attractive in her fashion choices



Her sense of style is truly stunning


She's a vision of beauty in her fashionable attire


She exudes charm through her fashion sense



Her clothing choices are exceptionally pretty



She's a fashion icon with a captivating style



Her fashion taste is undeniably charming



She's truly a beauty in her stylish outfits



Her fashion sense is wonderfully captivating