'50s Ladies in Kodachromes: Looking Back to Women Fashion Over 60 Years Ago _ Throwback American Life

That's what ladies in the 1950s looked like.

Women Fashion in the 1950s
Women Fashion in the 1950s

Women Fashion in the 1950s

Women Fashion in the 1950s
Women Fashion in the 1950s
Women Fashion in the 1950s

Women Fashion in the 1950s

Women Fashion in the 1950s

Women Fashion in the 1950s

Women Fashion in the 1950s

Women Fashion in the 1950s

Women Fashion in the 1950s

Women Fashion in the 1950s

Women Fashion in the 1950s

Women Fashion in the 1950s

Women Fashion in the 1950s

Women Fashion in the 1950s

Women Fashion in the 1950s

Women Fashion in the 1950s

Women Fashion in the 1950s

Women Fashion in the 1950s

Women Fashion in the 1950s

Women Fashion in the 1950s

Women Fashion in the 1950s

Women Fashion in the 1950s

Women Fashion in the 1950s

Women Fashion in the 1950s

Women Fashion in the 1950s

Women Fashion in the 1950s

Women Fashion in the 1950s

Women Fashion in the 1950s

Women Fashion in the 1950s

Women Fashion in the 1950s

Women Fashion in the 1950s

Women Fashion in the 1950s

Women Fashion in the 1950s

Women Fashion in the 1950s

Women Fashion in the 1950s

Women Fashion in the 1950s

Women Fashion in the 1950s

Women Fashion in the 1950s

Women Fashion in the 1950s

Women Fashion in the 1950s

Women Fashion in the 1950s

Women Fashion in the 1950s

Women Fashion in the 1950s

Women Fashion in the 1950s

Women Fashion in the 1950s

Women Fashion in the 1950s

Women Fashion in the 1950s

Women Fashion in the 1950s

Women Fashion in the 1950s

Women Fashion in the 1950s

Women Fashion in the 1950s