35 Vintage Cosplay Photographs Reveal How Awesome We Used to Be in the 1970s

Science fiction and fantasy cosplay has changed a lot in the last 40 years. Back in the late 1970s, there weren’t very many rules, if any. And there certainly was nothing like a separate costuming fandom. There were also an awful lot of naked people, making authentic Edgar Rice Burroughs characters fairly popular subjects.

Here are a few choice examples of 1970s cosplay.

35 Vintage Cosplay Photographs Reveal How Awesome We Used to Be in the 1970s


35 Vintage Cosplay Photographs Reveal How Awesome We Used to Be in the 1970s


35 Vintage Cosplay Photographs Reveal How Awesome We Used to Be in the 1970s


35 Vintage Cosplay Photographs Reveal How Awesome We Used to Be in the 1970s


35 Vintage Cosplay Photographs Reveal How Awesome We Used to Be in the 1970s


35 Vintage Cosplay Photographs Reveal How Awesome We Used to Be in the 1970s


35 Vintage Cosplay Photographs Reveal How Awesome We Used to Be in the 1970s

35 Vintage Cosplay Photographs Reveal How Awesome We Used to Be in the 1970s

35 Vintage Cosplay Photographs Reveal How Awesome We Used to Be in the 1970s

35 Vintage Cosplay Photographs Reveal How Awesome We Used to Be in the 1970s

35 Vintage Cosplay Photographs Reveal How Awesome We Used to Be in the 1970s

35 Vintage Cosplay Photographs Reveal How Awesome We Used to Be in the 1970s

35 Vintage Cosplay Photographs Reveal How Awesome We Used to Be in the 1970s

35 Vintage Cosplay Photographs Reveal How Awesome We Used to Be in the 1970s

35 Vintage Cosplay Photographs Reveal How Awesome We Used to Be in the 1970s


35 Vintage Cosplay Photographs Reveal How Awesome We Used to Be in the 1970s

35 Vintage Cosplay Photographs Reveal How Awesome We Used to Be in the 1970s

35 Vintage Cosplay Photographs Reveal How Awesome We Used to Be in the 1970s

35 Vintage Cosplay Photographs Reveal How Awesome We Used to Be in the 1970s

35 Vintage Cosplay Photographs Reveal How Awesome We Used to Be in the 1970s

35 Vintage Cosplay Photographs Reveal How Awesome We Used to Be in the 1970s

35 Vintage Cosplay Photographs Reveal How Awesome We Used to Be in the 1970s

35 Vintage Cosplay Photographs Reveal How Awesome We Used to Be in the 1970s


35 Vintage Cosplay Photographs Reveal How Awesome We Used to Be in the 1970s

35 Vintage Cosplay Photographs Reveal How Awesome We Used to Be in the 1970s

35 Vintage Cosplay Photographs Reveal How Awesome We Used to Be in the 1970s

35 Vintage Cosplay Photographs Reveal How Awesome We Used to Be in the 1970s

35 Vintage Cosplay Photographs Reveal How Awesome We Used to Be in the 1970s

35 Vintage Cosplay Photographs Reveal How Awesome We Used to Be in the 1970s

35 Vintage Cosplay Photographs Reveal How Awesome We Used to Be in the 1970s

35 Vintage Cosplay Photographs Reveal How Awesome We Used to Be in the 1970s

35 Vintage Cosplay Photographs Reveal How Awesome We Used to Be in the 1970s

35 Vintage Cosplay Photographs Reveal How Awesome We Used to Be in the 1970s

35 Vintage Cosplay Photographs Reveal How Awesome We Used to Be in the 1970s