20 Beautiful Kodachrome Slides Show What Children Wore in the 1950s _ Throwback American Life


The post-World War II baby boom helped make way for changes in 1950s kids' clothing. In America, it was a time of prosperity, so children were less likely to be dressed in hand-me-downs or clothes that were continually being made over. Fashions for both boys and girls were very different from previous generations.

Even in America, very few children were allowed new clothes during the war. Like their older siblings and parents, they subscribed to the “mend and make do” philosophy. Many adult clothes that wore out were refashioned into children's clothes. Practicality was all that mattered.
This all changed in the boom years of the 1950s, although it could be said that practicality simply mutated. Natural and synthetic textiles were used in new and different ways. Denim and chambray began to show up in kids’ clothing, as did Indian Head Cloth (all-purpose cotton), which often featured novelty prints. Corduroy also gained popularity.
Boys’ clothes needed to be sturdy to hold up to their activity. As such, they began to be allowed to wear jeans to elementary school. Even some girls wore overalls, although most schools frowned upon girls in trousers. Clothes were increasingly made of manmade fabrics, which were easier to care for. Gradually, children were beginning to dress more like older boys and girls, although parents and the fashion industry were still strict about age-appropriateness.
These beautiful Kodachrome slides were found by Steven Martin that show what children wore in the 1950s.
Children in the 1950s
Children in the 1950s

Children in the 1950s

Children in the 1950s

Children in the 1950s

Children in the 1950s

Children in the 1950s

Children in the 1950s

Children in the 1950s

Children in the 1950s

Children in the 1950s

Children in the 1950s

Children in the 1950s

Children in the 1950s

Children in the 1950s

Children in the 1950s

Children in the 1950s

Children in the 1950s

Children in the 1950s

Children in the 1950s